
Wasting Away

There are many things that arise from consumerism that trash our planet. The packaging that is used to cover goods and the plastic bags used to transport these products home are prime examples. In addition, because Americans are convinced that if its old, its not good enough, perfectly good materials and products are disposed of everyday for no valid reason other than because they don't "fit in". "Almost 1/3 of the waste generated by the U.S. is packaging and every year, Americans make enough plastic film to shrink-wrap the state of Texas." In the U.S., an additional 5 million tons of waste is generated during the holidays. Four million tons of this is wrapping paper and shopping bags." But, most disturbing, is that there is a mass of debris and plastic twice the size of Texas floating as an island in between Hawaii and San Francisco because it has been caught in the currents of the North Pacific Gyre. This is astounding and needs to be stopped! 

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