
When Will the Consumption Stop?

The rise of consumerism is, sadly, at an all time high. Americans are spending more and more money everyday, primarily for items that they do not need. Society tells us that we must always have the best, the newest, and the most high-tech items around and if we do not have them, we are inadequate. Kind of a shock to hear, I know, but the reality is is that we fall for it's deception. We have become victims to our own creation and vicious cycle. We want stuff, so we work for it. Then we get the stuff we wanted, only to be told that that isn't the "right" stuff that we need. Then we go work some more to get the stuff that society says we need, only to be told that it is now "out of style" and it's time for an upgrade. So we go back to work...
See what I mean? The cycle continues on, driven by big business, culture and we allow it to control our lives. We are never happy with what we have. We always want more!

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